Talent Concept
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    The core concept: the Director-General would like the opportunity to stage, can the Director-General, do nothing, people standing treatment. Is the only example that really must be used.
    First, both ability and integrity principle. Selection and use of personnel in accordance with a comprehensive measure both ability and integrity requirements, adhere to the ethics is mediocre, no virtue is the villain, and moral and can be neglected.
    The second is the "effect of" principle. To use them, we do not see the degree to see the ability, do not look at the level of diploma to see, no matter what identity, education, age, Well done, well done than others, well, outstanding performance, it boldly, entrusted with the task. At present, the average age of the company's technical staff and middle managers in the 35-year-old average age of the workshop director in about 30 years old. These people are not very old, and some degree is not very high, but the ability to drive results. We adhere to the "effect on the employment mechanism, so that a large number of both ability and integrity of personnel emerged as the pillars of enterprise development.
    Third, the principles of practice first. Test jade to burn on the 3rd full, identified only subject to seven years ". Over the years, where all kinds of professionals to pass Xin, we are first arranged to workshop the production line, so that in practice exercise to improve, and then by public examinations, merit-based selection.
    Fourth, the principle of survival of the fittest. Selection of personnel, we have realized the horses horses to the transformation of the horse on the track selected, who have done the best we as a talent to be reused; otherwise, can only be eliminated.
    Fifth, "Everyone has talent" principle. Personnel use to eliminate the mode and mysterious, so people should only applies in In the appropriate position to play the greatest degree of intelligence, is a certain sense of talent. In accordance with this principle, based on each employee's level of expertise, experience, character, etc., to arrange a relatively appropriate positions, so that the expertise and resources to do their best to promote a sustainable, rapid and efficient development.